A2 exercises and materials for Fluento online Spanish classes

Practice Materials - A2-B1 Levels

Spanish Practice Materials with Transcriptions

Watch the videos below to practice your Spanish listening skills. All have been especially chosen for the level of Spanish, vocabulary and speech pattern, to stimulate your listening abilities. Click on the link to the transcription to put the written text beside the video while you watch it.

1: Intercultural Health.

A short video that looks at the mix of ethnicities in Latin America, the history and social problems that have been created.

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2: Ten Adorable Animals That Can Kill You.

A short video featuring 10 frienldly-looking animals that can actually be very dangerous to human beings.

spanish textClick for the transcription.

3: Ten Amazing Apps!

A short video showcasing some apps that will leave you with your mouth open!

spanish textClick for the transcription.

4: Ten Insignificant Things That Will Make Your Life Easier.

A short video featuring 10 recent must-have inventions that will make your life easier.

spanish textClick for the transcription.

5:Ten Tricks to simplify your life.

A short video showing 10 simple ways you can make your life easier.

spanish textClick for the transcription.

6: The film IT 1990 vs IT 2017.

A comparison of the old and new versions of the film IT, based on the novel by Stephen King.

spanish textClick for the transcription.

7: Education begins at home.

A short video that explores how our values are developed in the home environment that we grow up in.

spanish textClick for the transcription.

8: Keys to understanding the war in Syria.

A short video that explores the background to the war in Syria.

spanish textClick for the transcription.

9: How to develop confidence and feel secure.

A video that tells us how to develop self-confidence and a feeling of personal security.

spanish textClick for the transcription.

10: Ten professions that will make you rich!.

Which careers will make you rich? Watch this video to learn which professions are among the best paid.

spanish textClick for the transcription.

11: Imagining the Earth with only 100 inhabitants.

Imagining the earth with only 100 human beings - how would it look?

spanish textClick for the transcription.


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